Fixed since version 1.40 - 1.42 - Added: parameter "voiceOverNet" added to dedicated server config (default = true) 1.42 - Fixed: Debugging message shown when AI preparing to release LG bomb. 1.42 - Fixed: AI used binocular too often. 1.42 - Fixed: Repeated ".. is down" message when player was killed. 1.42 - Fixed: AI units cannot get in ships since 1.40 1.42 - Fixed: KickOff for Game In Progress screen 1.42 - Added: browsing in chat history using Page Up and Page Down in chat line 1.42 - Fixed: Cessna AI pilot swinging up and down when flying slow. 1.42 - Fixed: Helicopter took off after landing even when no waypoint was active (bug since 1.40). 1.41 - Fixed: Support for Windows Me ICS, Windows XP ICS, and UPnP-compliant NATs 1.41 - Fixed: Buffer overflow in XML parsing 1.41 - Fixed: limit for size of GameSpy Q&R SDK answer is respected now 1.41 - Improved: Expression evaluation optimized (faster script execution). Major fixes and changes in 1.40: MP: - Fixed: Helicopters and planes could crash mid-air. Helicopter remote prediction is now also more accurate. - Fixed: Several issues with getting in and out if vehicles, including parachuting. - New: heading is transmitted when assigning targets to gunner. This makes finding targets in MP much easier. - New: Function estimatedTimeLeft. Using this function time left in the mission can be reported to game lobby or master browser. This function is now used in all official missions that use time limit. - Fixed: Several respawning issues. - New: Group respawn enabled also for non-leader units. - New: external hosts.txt file with list of favourite hosts - Fixed: Problems when someone with RedHammer connected to someone without it. - Fixed: Messages "Injured", "Ammo low", "Fuel low" did not work when player was not leader. - New: Difficulty in multiplayer it kept separate from single player and default is Cadet. MP - Dedicated server: - Fixed: Dedicated server memory leak. - Fixed: AI and triggers on dedicated server did not work reliably. - Fixed: squad logos on dedicated server game. - New: Dedicated server command #init (reload server config file) - Improved: Mission voting improved, voting admin is also possible (#vote admin PlayerName). MP - Mission editing: - Fixed: Synchronization works in MP, including Radio activated triggers. - New: publicVariable now works with scalar, bool, Object and Group types. - Optimised: Different default values for MaxMsgSend and MinBandwidth on dedicated server. - Fixed: Join scripting command is now fully supported. - Added: functions createVehicle, createUnit, deleteVehicle to help with large dynamic missions. AI: - Fixed: Missile launcher is not prepared if there is no reason to prepare it. - Fixed: AI taking magazines is improved. - New: Difficulty option "Super AI". When this option is enabled, all AI units have maximal skill. Low skill soldier have less sensitive eyes and ears. This make game easier when playing against low skill enemy and makes difference between low and high skill more important. - New: AI: safety check on near friendly troops to avoid friendly fire when firing from riffles and machineguns. - Fixed: Units could fire on targets seen by other units in the group. - Fixed: Airplane machine gun and LGB target engaging improved. - Fixed: LGB releasing and flight model improved. General: - Fixed: W-buffer support was broken. - Fixed: Destroyed buildings did not collapse with HW T&L. - Fixed: Several random crash opportunities. - Fixed: Cadet mode setting was missing in save - Fixed: Helicopter mouse turning was inconvenient, esp. for light choppers. - Fixed: Mavericks were drawn on Su25 wings instead of Ch29-s, Hellfires were not visible on Apache. - Fixed: Some units or destroyed objects may be left from previous mission. Such units were displayed, but otherwise inactive ("ghosts). - Fixed: When radio volume was turned off in sound control panel, messages were not transmitted al all. - Fixed: Many other minor bugs.